Advertising C1A

Friday 1st December 2023
Advertising and Marketing
LO: To explore the aims and conventions of print advertising.
Advertising: To bring attention to a product, service or issue.
Global industry which provides a major source of income to other media industries
We encounter it in many different forms at all times of the day. Advertising campaigns often utilise a mixture of media forms - print, TV, radio and digital.

Inform / educate:

Persuade audiences:

Unique selling point:

Wednesday 6th December 2023
Advertising and marketing
Codes and conventions: the expected elements that will be included in products from a particular media forms and genres.


soft sell
non comercial

main aim: to encourage people
by saying 'we can do it' infers the the person on the ad and the person reading the ad.
the product is likely to include:
-name of brand/ product
-specific details of USP / product of service.
1. list of imperatives, repetition, triplets
2. alliteration
3. word play - punch and boxing
-modern adverts often make references to other media products, perhaps from other media forms or genres, that audiences can identify
-this helps communicate a message quickly and memorably.
intertextual references: Charlie and the chocolate factory book version
Historical advertisements
LO: To explore historical adverts and their codes and conventions.
Wednesday 10th January 2024
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My impression of this ad is that everyone is loving one another and they seem happy.
they seem to live quite a clean lifestyle. This is shown with how clean the environment around them is.
they could imply that there chocolate provides happiness for the consumer.

1950's saw a change in 'high culture', where entertainment and the arts become more accessible and affordable for everyone. Therefore the cultural status associated with the regency characters adopted by Quality Street to advertise their products, was now within reach of the 'everyman'.
number 1: women are being represented as the person who does all the cleaning in the house and isnt seen as anything more than that. This is aimed at all women and it shows us women were not in power at all.
number 2: This follows gender roles within the community for the 1950's. Women were expected to do housework and cook and clean for the men where as men where obliged to go to work evveryday.
number 3: The woman is shown as someone who should stick to doing the house work where as the man is sat down relaxing and the woman doesnt seem to be able to relax in this advert.
number 4:
number 5: this adverts shows women taking care of all men.
number 6: the advert shows us that the man provides all of the money and leaves the house for the woman to tend to and the man is wearing expensive looking clothes which indicates the importance of the job he is doing.
the female gender roles in 1950's where that they were expected to clean the house and cook for the husbands where as all the husbands had to do was go to work. This indicates that it was a male driven society. The women had to do all of the house work and look after there kids and husbands but whilst the women did that the men could relax after work, they weren't expected to do anything except work,

the effect of having he man in the centre is to prove that he is the one gaining more attention than the two women to the sides of him and another reason is that he is more powerful than the women hence the fact he is in the centre of the advert. This represents men in general in the 50's as they were presented as more powerful then women.
The 2 women are shown as object
Friday 12th January 2024
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1. male is the more dominant gender presented in this advert.
2. because the man is in the direct center of the advert, he is getting kissed by 2 girls, both girls are represented as objects as the clothes they are wearing represents the different chocolate which indicates they are part of his dilema.
Historical Advert Set Text
LO: to explore the possible exam style questions for advertising.
Men are represented as powerful and dominant in this advertisement this is shown as the man is being kissed by 2 girls and he isn't reacting which suggests that he is the dominant gender and could pick between the 2. The suit he is wearing also has connotations of wealth and power.
Women in this advert are being represented as objects and weak, this is proven with how the women are dressed, they are both dressed with the same colours as a chocolate which is objectifying them with different chocolate.
Wednesday 17th January 2024
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1. Denotation is the literal meaning of a word. Connotation is what the word makes you feel or think of beyond that. Understanding the difference between these two can change how you see a story, article, or even a conversation
Analysing adverts
LO: To build the skills needed to analyse and evaluate adverts.
advert 1: The royal guards standing next to the broadband indicates that the internet could be important and is safe
advert 2: the advert is indicating that the burger may look like a women say that to guys as a joke when the man thinks the woman looks gorgeous.
Advert 3:
Advert 4: connotations of healing, recovery strength makes band aid stand out.
positive: inquisitive, interested, curious, disabled, handicapped
Negative: nosy, crippled, retarded
The slogan used by quality street 'What a delicious dilemma' encourages the audience to be aware of the choices offered by buying the product. This also suggests that the man on the advert has some form of a dilemma as to which woman to choose, this is quite sexist to modern audiences but also reflects the quite sexist society of the 1950's and is memorable beyond seeing this advert. the slogan used here also links with 'delightfully different' this text being underneath the slogan, reinforcing the many chocolates included within the box. The adjective 'delicious' is also repeated in the descriptions of the individual chocolates to emphasise the word and create and then reinforce associations with this product.
Friday 19th January 2024
Persuasion in adverts
Wednesday 24th January 2024
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dress formally
lesser to men
wear pink
Contemporary adverts
LO: To understand the techniques used in contemporary adverts.

1. fun, loving, not serious because of colour palette which is using a high contrast of colours and light.
2. the woman laying on a car is typically seen naked on mens magazines.
3. the font being used here is bubble and sans serif this is to represent that the brand identity is quite casual.

The girl can was developed by sport England because most women are see as doing less sporty activities than men, the target audience was women to show them they can also be as sporty as men if not more sporty. It was launched in 2016 and it was also funded by the national lottery. Its purpose was to motivate women to exercise.
Wednesday 31st January 2024
LO: To evaluate how woman are represented in a variety of adverts. So that we can apply this to the set text for the exam.
the data could possible show us that both genders like sports and most of the men like watching sports more.
The This Girl campaign is a national campaign launched in 2016. It was developed by Sport England and funded by the national lottery this means that there is 0 commercial aspect this means there was no intention to make any money.
The purpose of the campaign was to try and break down the. primary barrier holding women back from sport - the fear of judgement.
- Before the This Girl Can campaign researched showed that there was a massive gender gap between men and women participating in sport with 2 million fewer 14-40 year old women than men taking part in regular sporting activity. 13 million women said that they would like to participate more.
- just over 6 million of these were not active at all.
- as a result of the campaign 1.6 million women have started exercising.
additionally soon after the launch of This Girl Can, Nike released a more motivational campaign called Better For It.
'i kick balls, deal with it': this stands out to me as its tied between how a girl kicks a football but by calling them just balls its referring to the male genitalia.
'I'm slow but i'm lapping everyone on the couch': This could be a reference to the lazy people in the world who don't bother working out or excersising at all.
advert 1: The woman in the ad is represented as mobile and strong.
advert 2: this woman is very young and quite fit this represents her as sporty and able.
advert 3: This add is showing her as close to royalty and a winner as she may have won previously but by saying 'take the crown' it could possibly be saying she is ready to take the crown off of the previous winner.

This advert is different because it is showing the female sweating where as in the other ads the women weren't sweating this tells us she has been dancing a lot and moving around a lot and even though she is covered in sweat she still thinks she looks beautiful and very care free similar of that to a fox. Although she isn't the best looking she still thinks she is beautiful and elegant.
Friday 2nd February 2024
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1. this targets a wide range of women because a video shows more significance than a poster as it can show multiple reasons for a subject whereas a poster may only show fewer reasons.
Advertising set text #2
LO: To analyse the construction of the this girl can set text.
Sweat connotations: active, doing a lot, hot, heated
Pig connotations: Dirty, fat, ugly, muddy
Fox connotations: Fluffy, sly, clever, resourceful, shows shrewdness
The font style is called a serif.
The connotations of the text using a serif font is that it seems quite feminine as it is used for most magazine front covers for women and only women.

Centred mid shot- showing mainly her body and how sweaty she is
not a female celebrity- shows they don't have to be a celebrity to be on a front cover of an advert
Hair scrapped back in scruffy ponytail- doesn't care what she looks like
sweaty- doesn't care how sweaty she is neither does anyone else
clashing colours- doesn't care what she wears as long as she is comfortable, stands out
eye closed with slight smile- shows she is having a good time and is happy
active position-
other women in similar positions- shows other women are equally having that same amount of fun

two similarities of this ad is that women are portrayed in both ads and they both use sans serif.
two differences are that one is portrayed as an object and the other is portrayed as a human being, another difference is the quality street ad looks plain and boring where as the this girl can ad looks fun and vibrant.

Wednesday 7th February 2024
Yes i believe that women were stereotypically seen as the weaker gender my reasoning for this is because how they were portrayed in earlier years and they were portrayed as a lesser to men and were seen as objects and housewives essentially.

Exam question:
in this print advert women have been represented as free and able to do whatever they want, we see this as the slight smile on the women's face indicates how free she is and how much she is enjoying her time at this party. Women have also been represented as pretty in this ad as they are describing the girl like a fox, she is indicated as pretty by this because most guys when they find a girl pretty refer to them as a fox. The link to the target audience is that you can sweat and still feel pretty. Another way this indicates freedom is that she doesn't care about how she looks and doesn't care about what others think of her.
Friday 9th February 2024
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Confident, free, Happy
C1 section a PPE
LO: To practise how to answer exam style questions effectively.
question 1 This girl can: Explore how the print ad for this girl can uses media language to create meanings.
A: text/ written language
In the print advert for 'This Girl Can' campaign uses the written language to create interpretations. One way the print ad uses this media language to create meaning is by saying 'feeling like a fox' by calling this woman a fox they are referring to her as beautiful as men often refer to girls they find pretty like a 'fox' there for calling her pretty although she is sweating a lot she is still feeling pretty and this emphasises on her freedom and how much fun she is having throughout this part.
Another way they use written language is by using the phrase 'sweating like a pig' this emphasises the amount of sweat she is producing but this can be juxtaposed with the other phrase in this print ad. by saying she is sweating like a pig is they are saying she is sweating a lot similar to how much mud a pig can accumulate. Pigs are also represented as fat and ugly, but once again the rest of this phrase can juxtapose this meaning.
b: visual codes (images, lighting, dress)
The overall message of the 'This Girl Can' campaign aims to encourage females to start feeling themselves and get more active/ sporty and to also be anti-stereotypical of how most women were stereotypically seen.
One visual code that supports this is the colour of her shirt, as stereotypically women were seen as wearing pink and guys were seen as wearing blue, but in this ad she is wearing blue which is anti- stereotypical of women to wear this sort of colour. This challenges the stereotypes of men only able to do sports
Another area of visual codes is the emphasis on her sweating as she doesn't seem to care about how she looks and only how she feels, if she was feeling comfortable and happy she doesn't care about how people see her as she seems to be sweating a lot but still enjoying her time where she is.
Another use of visual code is the image, and how the people in the background are out of focus and the woman is the only thing being highlighted in this ad. This is to show she only cares about what she thinks and no one else's opinion is relevant to her and only how she wants to see herself is how she should see herself.
Wednesday 21st February 2024
C1 section a ppe
LO: To revise how to answer exam style questions effectively.
PPE Q1a: 3/5
WWW: Two clear points supported by text references
EBI - link the points to the meaning/purpose of the campaign
PPE Q1b:6/10
WWW: some focus on the meanings constructed by the visual codes
EBI: make sure you include any connotations and link the points to the meaning/purpose of the campaign
WWW: Two clear points supported by text references
EBI - link the points to the meaning/purpose of the campaign
PPE Q1b:6/10
WWW: some focus on the meanings constructed by the visual codes
EBI: make sure you include any connotations and link the points to the meaning/purpose of the campaign
Friday 23rd February 2024
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1. Warner bros
2. asylum
3. 20th century
4. paramount
5. disney
6. lucasfilms
7. fox
ReplyDeleteGood notes
Good notes and understanding of context, the use of ML & representation
Some good ideas linked to the context. Well done!
Good notes and understanding of context, the use of ML & representation.
PPE Q1a: 3/5
WWW: Two clear points supported by text references
EBI - link the points to the meaning/purpose of the campaign
PPE Q1b:6/10
WWW: some focus on the meanings constructed by the visual codes
EBI: make sure you include any connotations and link the points to the meaning/purpose of the campaign