Film genres
Tuesday 6th november 2022 DO NOW horror action adventure fantasy sci fi rom com comedy animation family friendly? documentry child friendly? romance thriller dystopian ? drama period drama western Film genres LO: To explore the concept of film genre. Genre: A style, especially in the arts. That involves a particular set of chracteristics: Hybrid=mixture of 2 or more genres. Sub-genres-categories that a genre can be divided into. Action adventure Batman vs super man justice league the dark knight rises batman forever the joker the different genre conventions for action adventure: An intense setting Dueling hierarchies The hero. The villain. The victim. A speech in praise of the villain The deadline Set-Piece sequences. Three famous Directors in the action and adventure genre: Stan Lee Michael Bay George Miller. Movie stars who have become ascociated with action adventure: Ben Affleck Bruce willis Dwayne 'the rock' Johnson Keanu Reeves Chriss Pratt Tom Cruise Three blockbuster...