Theoretical Framework

 Tuesday 27th September 2022

LO: To apply the theoretical framework to media texts.

Media language

All the different elements used to construct any media product.


Establishing shot:

What is an Establishing Shot? Creative Examples that Set the Tone

Often use at the start of a new scene because it tells us where the scene is taking place and what time of day and when about, like it could be in the future or set in the past, this starting scene shot tells us a lot about whats happening and what the scene is about.

Wide shot:

Ultimate Guide to Types of Camera Shots and Angles in Film [50+ Types]

We use the wide shot to show the surroundings and the relationship between a subject and its location.

Mid shot:

Medium Shots: Creative Examples of Camera Movements & Angles

A shot taken of a character above the waist and shows there emotion.

Medium close up:

What is a Close-Up Shot? A Guide for Filmmakers and Actors

taken from chest upwards and gets rid of distraction and focuses on facial expression/ emotion.

Close up:

What is the Close-Up Shot? Examples of Camera Angle & Movement

Often arranged at eye level which shows emotion and focuses on there facial expression. 

extreme close up shot:

Ultimate Guide to Types of Camera Shots and Angles in Film [50+ Types]

Mainly shows just the eyes, but can show the nose mouth and ears as well which shows particular parts of the facial features.

Over the shoulder:

What Is An Over the Shoulder Shot (OTS) & How Do You Use It?

Looking from behind a person to another.

Common Shot Types | Digital film, Body shots, Types of shots


Diegetic sounds are sounds you would hear if you were there in that scene

non-diegetic sounds are like stuff you wouldnt hear like a narrator narrating whats going on in the scene.


Sound Effects:



Mise-en-scene      29/09/2022

Mise-en-scene means the arrangement of actors and scenery on a stage for a theatrical production.

It includes costumes, props, setting, hair and make up, lighting, actor positioning, body language and facial expression.

its set in the past

the clothes there wearing could indicate its set in the past

theres a guy holding a walkie-talkie or a radio this suggests that it may be set in the past.

he has a cigarette in his mouth. This means he smokes and doesn't have very good life choices.

it looks like he's at a theme park/ carnival, it shows us this in the background.

it looks like night time because the sky is black.

it doesn't look like it is set now, it seems like it's set in the olden times.

 He is holding a briefcase in his hand, this indicates he might be taking documents or he works for someone. Or he is carrying something important.


Jump cut: Jump around a scene with the intent to fast forward time.

Cross-cutting: Taking the viewer back and forwards between scenes.

Cutaway: there meant to server the purpose of informing the viewer of where the character is. And have a better understanding of whats going on in the scene.

Montage: A bunch of clips randomly put together. You will mainly see this in action\fight movies.

Match cut: Matching a characters action into the next scene and takes the audience somewhere else without the realising.


pace and speed of cuts


Green screening


Media institution

Media Audiences

Media Representation


  1. Great notes and understanding of the basics of Media Language
    Target: try to use CONNOTES/CONNOTATIONS in your analysis


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